Once these basic concepts have been established, it is necessary to clearly and conclusively define the posture that all employees and service providers of this company must have when, representing it, they are dealing with public agents, customers, suppliers and the market in general, public or private.
6.1. Corruption and Money Laundering Acts
Any and all suspicious practices or situations that may indicate the occurrence or attempt of an act of corruption, whether passive or active, must be avoided and reported.
This determination, in addition to being a legal and moral obligation of all people, is expressly provided for in art. 5 of Law 12,876.
Art. 5 (…) I – promise, offer or give, directly or indirectly, undue advantage to a public agent, or a third person related to him; II – demonstrably finance, fund, sponsor or in any way subsidize the practice of illicit acts provided for in this Law;
This same understanding applies to acts of money laundering, pursuant to art. 1 of Law 9.613.
Art. 1o Conceal or conceal the nature, origin, location, disposition, movement or ownership of assets, rights or values arising, directly or indirectly, from a criminal offense.
It is noteworthy that such acts are classified as crimes, so that their impacts, in addition to financial and reputational, extrapolate to the criminal realm, so that the people involved are held responsible and penalized in a very personal way.
In this line, the impacts of these acts affect both the company and the public agent and the individuals involved in the situation.
Any denouncement can and must be made through the means made available by the company and defined herein, including anonymously, if the person so wishes, directly to the Ethics Committee.
6.2. Financing Acts for Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
As a result of the international operations eventually carried out by this company, which end up involving the remittance of amounts abroad, it should be noted that all necessary care must be taken to ensure the correct allocation of funds.
As a result, all payments depend on the preparation and prior signing of international contracts, indicating the parties, providing for their obligations, presenting the object of the contract and the amounts involved.
Furthermore, any and all international payments take place through standard means, through SWIFT, Letter of Credit – LC, Stand-by Letter of Credit – SBLC or other means of Documentary Letter of Credit – DLC, always through internationally recognized banking institutions and high standard.
6.3. Public Agents
The relationship of this company, and consequently, of its employees and service providers, with public agents, must be guided by probity and ethics, through the use of official communication and negotiation procedures.
Here it is important to remember that any public agent, whether political or administrative, as he represents the public administration, must value administrative probity.
As such, all interactions with these agents must take place within strict legal boundaries.
6.4. Third Party Representatives
The hiring of third parties should only happen in the face of a true business need and never for ulterior motives such as personal benefits or the granting of privileges.
In this way, all contracting procedures must be documented, as well as the documentation and history of these third parties must always be analyzed, in order to ensure that they are never involved in suspicious situations.
In addition, these relationships must be formalized through service provision contracts, which will contain a specific clause dealing with the Anti-Corruption Law.
6.5. Suppliers
Even in the company’s private relations with its suppliers, undue advantages cannot be offered or requested in order to create a competitive differential.
In the same way, suppliers that demonstrate their own Integrity Program, to be analyzed before contracting, should be considered a positive differential.
6.6. Tenders and Administrative Contracts
If the company participates in bids, it must respect the determinations contained in the relevant legislation, as well as not act under the terms of art. 5 of Law 12,846:
Art. 5th (…)
IV – with regard to bids and contracts:
a) frustrate or defraud, through adjustment, combination or any other expedient, the competitive nature of a public bidding procedure;
b) prevent, disturb or defraud the performance of any act of public bidding procedure;
c) remove or seek to remove a bidder, through fraud or offering advantage of any kind;
d) defraud a public bidding process or the resulting contract;
e) create, fraudulently or irregularly, a legal entity to participate in a public bidding process or enter into an administrative contract;
f) fraudulently obtain an undue advantage or benefit from modifications or extensions of contracts entered into with the public administration, without authorization by law, in the public bidding act or in the respective contractual instruments; or
g) manipulate or defraud the economic-financial balance of contracts entered into with the public administration;
As a result, any and all interactions between the company and the bidder must take place through legal and official means, so that all suspicious situations/attitudes must be reported.
Here it is also important to highlight that Law 14,133 brought specific provisions related to the Anti-Corruption Law and the need for an integrity program.
The first mention refers to large-scale bids, which must provide, in their announcement, the obligation of the winning bidder to implement, within 6 (six) months, the integrity program, if it does not already have it.
Art. 25. The public notice must contain the object of the bidding process and the rules relating to the summons, judgment, qualification, appeals and penalties of the bidding process, inspection and management of the contract, delivery of the object and payment conditions.
§ 4 In contracting large-scale works, services and supplies, the public notice must provide for the mandatory implementation of an integrity program by the winning bidder, within a period of 6 (six) months, counted from the conclusion of the contract, according to the regulation that will provide for the measures to be adopted, the form of proof and the penalties for non-compliance.
In addition, seeking to encourage the adoption of an integrity program by all companies participating in bids, the existence of an integrity program has become a tiebreaker.
Art. 60. In the event of a tie between two or more proposals, the following tie-breaking criteria will be used, in this order:
IV – development by the bidder of an integrity program, according to the guidelines of the control bodies.
It is interesting to note that the law provided for sanctions, the implementation or improvement of an integrity program.
Art. 156. The following sanctions will be applied to the person responsible for the administrative infractions provided for in this Law: § 1 In the application of sanctions, the following will be considered:
V – the implementation or improvement of an integrity program, in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the control bodies.
Once the bidding is successful, the company’s relationship with the bidding entity must be based on the terms of the administrative contract, nothing other than what is contained in the instrument being accepted.
In this line, any modification in the terms of the contract can only be accepted by the company if the legal means for this have been triggered by it or by the contracting entity so that the contract is amended as necessary.
6.7. Obtaining Licenses, Authorizations and Permissions
All authorization, license, permission or any other document that the company needs to obtain from the public administration, must follow the correct procedures, established in laws, internal rules of the company and/or internal rules of the public body.
In this line, any suspicious act that aims at undue advantage for the release, acceleration or facilitation in obtaining a certain document must always be avoided and denounced.
For this, it is recommended that official and professional (corporate) means of communication are always used, so that the negotiations are always recorded and, if possible, in the presence of other people.
6.8. inspections
Any inspection act, which may eventually be carried out by the public administration, must always be accompanied by representatives of the company, if possible in more than one person, so that the activity can be carried out without major problems.
In the event that direct communication with a public agent is necessary to deal with the case, this contact must be made through official means and whenever possible in the presence of more than one person, in order to curb any shady act, contrary to probity.
6.9. Sponsorship and donations
This company may sponsor events and actions, as well as make philanthropic donations, as long as certain precautions are followed.
Only events and actions, with demonstrated social benefit or directly related to the company’s corporate purpose, but without any political-partisan connection, or with public agents and their family members, may be sponsored or receive donations from this company.
These acts must be carried out with the greatest possible honesty from the accounting, tax and fiscal points of view, so that these payments cannot be made in cash and to individuals.
6.10. Political Donations
Political donations are prohibited under current legislation..
6.11. Lobby
If this company seeks to influence, in a legal and democratic way, any governmental decision-making process, it may do so within the limits of the law, provided that all internal control and registration procedures are respected.
6.12. Benefits (gifts, travel, accommodation, meals, invitations)
Any and all types of benefit may be granted by the company directly to its employees, private sector customers, service providers and suppliers, if and when deemed appropriate.
It should be noted that these benefits can never be provided or funded by anyone other than the company itself, either through request or when offered free of charge by third parties.
However, it is strictly prohibited to grant or receive these benefits to public agents, their relatives, family members or friends.
6.13.Conflict of interests
All members and representatives of this company, whether directors, employees or service providers, must always ensure the best practices in their interaction with public administration, avoiding the emergence of conflicts of interest that may harm the company in the future.
If, after reading this document, any of the persons mentioned above understand that they may have, inadvertently, entered into a conflict of interest situation, they should seek the means of contact set out in this document to explain the situation to the company.
6.14. Hiring public agents or family members and former agents
As a rule, this company does not hire former public agents, their friends, family members or subordinates, however, if such a situation happens to happen, the company must make sure of some issues.
Upon the real need for hiring, through the complete and standard procedure for evaluating candidates, provided that there is no law or contractual provision in any deal in progress or already signed by the company, which prohibits such hiring, and never with the aim of obtaining undue advantage .
The company, through its Personnel Department, must always verify, in the hiring process, whether a candidate for a possible vacancy is related to or has been a public agent, so that such information is registered in the company and the necessary preventive measures can be taken. sockets.
6.15. Money laundry
When it comes to receiving and paying amounts, these acts can only be carried out through the company’s standard means and authorized by law, always favoring the options that best reflect good market practices.
Therefore, priority should be given to payments through the banking system, with the issuance of invoices or receipts and duly backed by written contracts.
6.16. Internal Records
Each and every operation carried out by the company must follow the standard internal procedure, without exceptions, so that all sectors involved, most notably the financial, accounting, tax, personnel, compliance, commercial and management sectors, carry out the due internal records.
These records must always follow the best market practices and those that are most in line with legal requirements.