Diluted petroleum asphalts (ADP’s) are produced by diluting the CAP with solvents such as kerosene, naphtha or gasoline. The purpose is to reduce the viscosity and application temperature of the binder, and they are mainly used in priming the base layers of pavements.
ADP – CM30
Diluted Asphalt
Technical Specifications
O ASFALTO DILUÍDO DE PETRÓLEO ADP – CM-30 results from the dilution of Petroleum Asphaltic Cement (PAC) by light petroleum distillates, providing less viscous products that can be applied at lower temperatures than CAP’s. Diluents evaporate after application, leaving PAC as a residue, which develops cementitious properties. The evaporation time of the diluent used is called Curing.
The ADP CM-30 product is so named because it is a Diluted Petroleum Asphalt (PAC with diluents), which has a medium curing time (diluent evaporation), and a viscosity between 30 and 60 cSt.
ADP CM-30 It is mainly used for waterproofing priming of unpaved bases (soil, graded gravel, etc.).
The distribution or bath of the diluted binder must be carried out with equipment equipped with a pressure regulator pump, which allows the application of the product in a uniform amount. Distributor equipment, specially built, must be equipped with heating devices, tachometer, calibrators and thermometer, spreading bar with vertical adjustment device and variable widths, and also have a manual spreading bar.
The compacted base must have the surface swept to completely eliminate loose material and be slightly moistened. The application rate must be determined experimentally at the construction site, with its definition 24 hours later, by the absorption of the product by the compacted base. Usually, rates range from 0.8 to 1.6 L / m², depending on the type of material and texture of the base.
Do not apply ADP CM-30 on rainy days, on wet surfaces or at temperatures below 10ºC. Due precautions must be taken when heating the ADP CM-30 during transport and storage, as due to its low flash point, the risk of fire is greater.
ADP CM-30 is manufactured in accordance with ANP Resolution No. 897, of 11/18/2022 and DNIT 128/2010 – EM:
ADP CM-30 It is supplied in bulk, Liquid (tons) in tank cars or in 200 liter metallic drums.
During handling, use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). In the event of an accident, consult the Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products (FISPQ – No. CBAA.004).
Employment restriction
Employment restriction
It is not recommended to carry out paving services using ADP CM-30 at temperatures below 10°C.
Do not apply the product in climatic conditions of possible precipitation, with the binder being dragged over the track primed by rainwater.
ADP CM-30 it is framed by the UN (1999), as a substance of risk 3 and subclass Diluted Tar.
In regions with a hot climate, the product must not be heated inside the storage tank or sprinkler car, provided with a torch flame, for its application. The state of viscosity of the product is in adequate application conditions.
In cold regions, it is acceptable to heat the product up to a temperature of 35°C, with due precautions.
The exposure time of the primed base to traffic, after effective curing, must be conditioned to the behavior of the same, and must not exceed 30 days. Any flaw in the application of the asphalt binder must be corrected immediately.
It is recommended a minimum period of 24 hours (from the application) to promote the complete curing of the primer paint, for the continuation of the service steps.
The product must be kept in the open air (drumped) or in warehouses (bulk), but with the same properly sealed, to avoid contamination by humidity.